A record-breaking number of Smiles: Tim Hortons® raises more than $12 million throughout national Smile Cookie Campaign, a new record, $38,726.23 to be donated to Niagara Children’s Centre and Big Brothers Big Sisters of North and West Niagara
Restaurant owners from St. Catharines and Thorold are donating 100% of proceeds from sales of Smile Cookies to Niagara Children’s Centre and Big Brothers Big Sisters of North and West Niagara this fall
CATHARINES, OCTOBER 29, 2021 – Tim Hortons restaurant owners and millions of generous Canadians across the country combined broke a new Smile Cookie record by raising more than $12 million for local charities across the country.
This year in St. Catharines, local Tim Hortons restaurant owners and volunteers helped raise $77,450 to support Niagara Children’s Centre and Big Brothers Big Sisters of North and West Niagara. This is the first year that Niagara Children’s Centre and Big Brothers Big Sisters of North and West Niagara are recipients of this campaign. The funds will be used to support the vision of both organizations – children and youth achieving their fullest potential.
“The Centre provides therapy and support to children from across the Niagara Region. We’re honoured that the St. Catharines and Thorold Tim Hortons location owners chose our Centre to partner with so that we can bring more smiles to more families,” said Oksana Fisher, Niagara Children’s Centre CEO.
“Tim Hortons and Big Brothers Big Sisters of North and West Niagara have a long-standing partnership that is well known in the community. We are extremely honored to be one of the recipient charities of Smile Cookie which will help us match deserving children and youth on our waitlist with mentors.” – Michelle Miller, Board President Big Brothers Big Sisters of North and West Niagara.
“Each and every year, Tim Hortons restaurant owners continue to go above and beyond to help raise funds for our annual Smile Cookie campaign and it’s truly inspiring to be a part of something so great and impactful,” says Hope Bagozzi, Chief Marketing Officer for Tim Hortons.
Tim Hortons restaurant owners across Canada will be presenting their local charity partners with Smile Cookie cheques throughout the next month.
Smile Cookie Campaign Facts
In 2020, the Smile Cookie campaign raised $56 million across Canada
The Tim Hortons Smile Cookie program started in 1996, originally raising funds for Hamilton Children’s Hospital. Twenty-five years later, the annual charitable campaign has now raised a total of more than $77 million for charities selected every year by restaurant owners.
Nationally, Tim Hortons restaurant owners support over 600 local charities, hospitals and community programs through the Smile Cookie campaign
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Visit TimHortons.ca/smile-cookie for a list of local charities benefiting from the Smile Cookie campaign