Big Brothers Big Sisters of Niagara – Bursaries and Scholarships
2024 Applications are now CLOSED!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Niagara offers different bursary and scholarship opportunities to assist with the costs associated with pursuing a post-secondary education.

Ignite Your Potential Bursary

Intention of the Bursary:
To assist with the educational costs associated with pursuing a post secondary education.

Disbursement Information:
$1,000 to be awarded to one (1) recipient annually until the fund account is depleted.
A recipient is only eligible to receive this bursary one time. This bursary is not renewable.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Demonstrated financial need
  • Preference will be given to those facing barriers to attending post-secondary education
  • Must be a current or former Mentee (Little), including members of the waitlist.

This scholarship was made possible thanks to an anonymous donor.

Wendell Callbeck Bursary

Intent of the Bursary:
Established in October 1988, this bursary is to assist current or former Littles (mentees) who wish to further their education at the post secondary education level (University, Technical, or Trade School).

Disbursement Information:
$2,000 to be awarded to one (1) recipient annually until the fund account is depleted.

A recipient is eligible to re-apply for subsequent year(s) of funding, but must submit a new and complete application form for each subsequent year.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Financial need
  • Demonstrated commitment to furthering their education/training
  • Applicant must adequately address all required questions and components of the application form

Charlie Jones Bursary

Intent of the Bursary:
This bursary is named after Charlie Jones, a long-term (30+ years) volunteer and faithful friend of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Niagara agency. Applications are accepted from any graduating student who resides in Fort Erie and is going to be pursuing post-secondary education within one years’ time from graduation.

Disbursement Information:
$1,000 to be awarded to one (1) recipient annually until the fund account is depleted.

A recipient is eligible to re-apply for subsequent year(s) of funding, but must submit a new and complete application form for each subsequent year.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be a resident of Greater Fort Erie and graduating from secondary school at the time of application.
    • Preference will be given to applicants graduating from high schools located within Fort Erie (e.g. Greater Fort Erie Secondary School, Niagara Christian College) or Lakeshore Catholic School (Port Colborne); however, applicants residing in Fort Erie and graduating from a secondary school outside of Fort Erie will also be considered.
  • Applications are not restricted to Mentees (Littles), current or former, of BBBS. Any graduating student in Fort Erie can apply.
  • Applicants must be accepted into an accredited post-secondary school, apprenticeship, or program of study and provide proof of acceptance or registration prior to funds being released to the successful candidate(s).
  • All applications are to be supported by a letter of recommendation from the Principal/Guidance Counsellor/Co-operative Education Supervisor of the student and at least one other person (18+ non-family) who has known the applicant for more than two years.
  • Priority will be given to applicants who have extensive community service and volunteerism, and who align with the mission/vision of BBBS.
  • Financial need.


Intent of the Scholarship:
Established in 2023, the T.P. Thornton Scholarship Award aims to assist a young person with demonstrated commitment to pursuing a post-secondary with the financial assistance to do so.

Disbursement Information:
$5,000 to be awarded to one recipient. The scholarship is renewable up to an additional 4 years (for the same initial recipient) for a maximum total of 5 years or $25,000 for post-secondary education cost support.

To be eligible for renewal, the recipient must be returning to school in a college or university program and remain in good standing in their program. Annual reporting to the Agency will be required.

Eligibility criteria:

  • good grades, applicants need to demonstrate they are committed to education and serious about achieving their post-secondary education
  • demonstrated financial need
  • demonstrated work ethic and commitment (e.g. through clubs, part time jobs, volunteerism)
  • must be a current or former Mentee (Little), including members of the waitlist. Volunteers/Mentors (Bigs) are not eligible to apply, unless they were a former Little themselves.

2024 Bursary and Scholarship Recipients Will be announced soon.

Congratulations to our 2023 Bursary and Scholarship Recipients

Ignite Your Potential Bursary
Zoey Parker

G. Wendell Callbeck Bursary Fund
Tyanna Sbrocchi 

T.P. Thornton Scholarship Award
Katie MacArthur