Maddie and I see each other once a week for 2-4 hours depending on what we are doing. Recently, we were fortunate to participate in the BBBS Christmas activities together; the Christmas Party, the Jaycees shopping and breakfast, and the NOTL Christmas parade. One of our favourite things to do is go to the movies.
Our relationship is growing all of the time. I find her opening up more. She is a great listener and a real pleasure to be with.
When we spend time with the other Littles like at the Halloween and Christmas parties, I am so impressed with what great kids they are. I think there is a real misconception about these kids which perhaps makes people apprehensive about volunteering as a Big. These are some of the sweetest, polite, and compassionate kids I’ve ever been around. The kids we sat with at the Christmas Party (Jamal, Jevonte, Derek, and Shyann) were so great to Maddie although she was so much younger. I was very impressed.